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  Sample Poem, by craigkite
Washington, US
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Manic Revelations
Manic revelations

He took me by the hand and led me outside the village. He spit on my eyes and put his hands on me and asked, "Do you see anything?" (From the Gospel of Mark 8:23)

I looked up and said, I can see people but they look like trees walking around. He put his hands on my eyes again
And I said, I can see&

I can see idea wombs blocking the paths of think tanks
I can see a song of jubilee like cartoonish floating notes
The heavy head of a sunflower bowing to lecture a pedagogue
A stick figure discovering 3D animation
Mind blown by the Goddess of fellatio
Set free only to be incarcerated by my captivation
I can see radiant storms collocating chaos
Through telescopes kaleidoscopic cosmic cocoons
Nebulae birthing stars with my naked third eye
And a vast array of emoticons in the face of the man in the moon
I can see earth, wind and fire all swirling together
To sing about September and Chasing the clouds away
I can see just how things arent working out in slightest
And just how everything is going to be ok anyway
I can see humungous scissors cutting this red ribbon
This tailing tether tied around our waists so we dont go far
I can see celestial bodies in the pupils of paraplegics
And snafus for the systems of belief that stop the heart
A new Pentecost
A church on non-metaphorical fire
Im the scarecrow that got a brain
And from his cross of guilt retired
The following is to be literally interpreted and loudly read:
It came to pass that amidst the destruction
I saw Jesus coming down with Gaia hand in hand
And I was subject to their beautifully allegorical abduction
I feel Ive woken up
And lain to rest forever after
My body walks on in tightrope misery
My spirit dreams in affirmable laughter
If you see me coming now all open and naked in my clothes
Ive got the scent of every place at every moment in history culminating around my nose
I cant open my eyelids wide enough to see all I want to anymore
So Ill concave my arms, mouth, imagination
And all my epidermiss pores
What are we going to do about this percolating sorrow?
Absolutely nothing if in living for today every day you can put it off till tomorrow

A broken open cage detaining infinitely imploding birds
Articulates exchange as a reciprocal exponentially unfolding world
So excited and forgetful and entertaining and childlike
Now Im careful with all animals, grateful with no sense of time
So let your mind float around like when you were small and learning how to read
Getting half-way through the alphabet before distracted by the glare on your neighbors desk

He put his hands on me again and he looked intently and suddenly it happened that I could see everything clearly. And he sent me to my home, saying, Do not even enter the village.

Description: This is an excerpt from my first publication "Diagnostic Impessionism"

 Photo Posted: Aug 22,2012   Photo Viewed: 444 Pages(1): [1]  
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